Finding columns and measures used in a visual or page in Power BI
See how we can find all columns and measures used in one Power BI visual or one page of our report.
Finding columns and measures used in a visual or page in Power BI
Using "What if? analysis" to achieve higher levels of optimization in Power BI
New Ways to Analyze Best Practices in Power BI
Benefits of using DAX INFO() functions instead of the DMVs via the XMLA endpoint in Power BI
1-Click Optimization and Fabric Git Integration
Query folding and data types from Snowflake in Power BI
Hybrid tables in Power BI with dataCoverageDefinition
New ways to optimize shared datasets in Power BI (1/2) The offline approach
Removing unused columns and measures in Power BI
New ways to check if queries fold in Power Query
Time saving scripts in Tabular Editor
Changing data types that do not break query-folding in Power Query / Power BI